Virginia House
Be The Best You Can Be

Residential children’s home for young people aged 11-17

Providing full care, support and accommodation 24/7 and offering a safe home where they are able to develop into responsible and caring adults

Virginia House is a residential children’s home for young people with mild to moderate learning difficulties. 

Founded on the simple principle of providing equal opportunities to everyone, Virginia House welcomes children who may have Education, Health and Care Plans (statement of special educational needs) that specify their needs, specialist support that is required and the strategies that should be employed for their needs to be met.

We accept those both male and female, aged 11 - 17 upon admission, with placements being matched appropriately for group living. 

We will help the young people in our care and teach them the values of a modern and friendly society, one where everyone is treated equally regardless of their backgrounds, beliefs, ethnicity or sexuality. With our support, the residents of Virginia House will be the best that they can be and achieve all of their dreams and aspirations.

We offer comprehensive children’s care services, including all in one care and accommodation all year round.

Virginia House children’s home looks after young people with learning disabilities or special needs. We develop a safe and trusting environment in which everyone is treated equally, where the children become part of a welcoming community and learn how to become valued members of society.  

Request Our Documents

Statement of Purpose

Children’s Guide

Local Authorities we have worked with:

If you would like to make a referral to us then We’d love to hear from you.

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